Karly had her first trip to their Lake recently so Zoe could show her around. See Lake photos above. Yea, that is Karly in front of the pampas. Karly did say on comments Tuesday March 10th, "I just got home from the Vet where I got my last puppy shots. I weighed 21.3 pounds today. They said my next visit to the Vet would be about 2 more months...to get fixed. I thought I was already fixed up pretty good."
I, Jasper, went for my last puppy shots plus HomeAgain Microchip Implant on Tuesday the 9th, weighed 19.9 lbs (Watch out, I'm catching up). The shots were ok; but, the implant made me flinch a little. I am officially ID# 496868372B; but, you can't call me there!