Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cabin Fever.....Big Time!

Sorry about not posting lately. I am just one bored sole. The Raleigh/Kure Beach weather is just aweful. It actually snowed/sleeted again yesterday afternoon and night. Bah Humbug!
Larry tells me if he is not sweating, he is not happy. I've never experienced real sweat or Summer; but, anything has got to be better than this crazy Winter. Why couldn't Larry live in a place called Key West ?
Oh by the way, I'm 17 lbs as of this morning.  Had to cancel my Vet appointment Tuesday until next Tuesday because I'm staying in Raleigh.
Karley, I miss you and hope your Winter is warmer! Jas.

1 comment:

  1. AWWW...I am sorry you are bored! This has been a long winter. Maybe its time to learn some tricks to pass the winter days....You know if you do a good job you get treats! We are still waiting for Lexy to have her puppies. She is so big that when she sits her back legs slide out & her tummy rests on the ground....Tim thinks she's going to have a lot of puppies. I think she looks like she ate a whole watermelon!
    Stay warm and dry,
