Monday, June 14, 2010

Karly Sends Jas an Update Plus We Get to see Her Pop (Corky).

Karly says, "Do I want to jump overboard for a swim?  Nahhhhhhh!

Hmmm, Hmmm good that's what Eukanuba is!!!!!!!
Psst! Corky and Debra are not looking......let's pig out ya'll.

Karly and her Pop (Corky). Sis, Karly, is the one with the brendle coat.
Isn't she cute, if I do say so myself.
Nice pics! Karly's the spitting image of me including the Brendle tracks on her right top collar.
Exceptions are she has full collar and is more normally rounded than me. Thanks, Jas.


  1. What could be better than a summer filled with boating & all the dog food you can eat!!!!! Boy life is good!

  2. Hey Jas,

    Well, I've reached 45 pounds now, and I really like it when my folks leave the lid off the big dogfood container. Still trying to just stay cool in this hot weather. We're going to the lake for the 4th, so at least I'll be able go for a swim when I get hot. I'm getting to be a pretty good swimmer.

    See you later,

