Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jasper's First Participation In a Sting Operation!

BEFORE>>>>>>>>>>>>Jas is just hanging around the backyard of  K Largo, cooling it before the big Kure Beach Sting Operation.


The results of the sting is apparent above his left eye. Score- Bee 1 Jasper 0!
Yes, this wasp flew onto the front porch and Mr. Curious just had to sniff it. Well, the wasp poped Mr. Jas and flew off. Pop found the nest underneath the porch and blasted it with the water hose. Score- Pop 1 Wasp 0! 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Better Late Than Never Pop Says.

I apologize for my inactivity lately. Pop and I have been very busy. We had a Sell Contract on the Raleigh house and were feverishly working to pack, arrange movers..etc. We got it all line up and had half of our stuff packed when the contract fell through. What a bummer!
Anyway, I have been traveling up and down I-40 from Raleigh to Kure Beach every week.
Pop opened the hatch and I jumped in ready to travel.

Pop, are you coming or what? Lets get going. I want to hit the surf again.