Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sister, Karly & Zoe at the Lake

Karly had her first trip to their Lake recently so Zoe could show her around. See Lake photos above. Yea, that is Karly in front of the pampas. Karly did say on comments Tuesday March 10th, "I just got home from the Vet where I got my last puppy shots. I weighed 21.3 pounds today. They said my next visit to the Vet would be about 2 more get fixed. I thought I was already fixed up pretty good."
I, Jasper, went for my last puppy shots plus HomeAgain Microchip Implant on Tuesday the 9th, weighed 19.9 lbs (Watch out, I'm catching up). The shots were ok; but, the implant made me flinch a little.  I am officially ID# 496868372B; but, you can't call me there!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jumping the Season Hitting the Beach Before/During Sunrise.

Here we are at the Kure Beach Pier beachfront 6am Wednesday morning. Pop has his morning Star-News paper and coffee. I'm taking in the salt air, seagulls and new smells. What a hard life; but, somebody has to do it!
That lazy ole, almost Springtime, Sun finally got out of bed and  started rising in the Eastern sky.  Better late than never, Pop says.  Wait a minute, SAND? What is that? I was high stepping it until I realized sand is my friend and would not hurt me. Hey, in fact, it is actually fun to play in. Thats when  I started digging, jumping and acting like a fool. That's alright because nobody noticed except the seagulls.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

News Flash! Jasper & his Syblings have 9 New Half Brothers & Sisters!!!!!!!!

What's that Pop?  Pop, you've got to be kidding! As of Saturday, I have 9 half brothers & sisters. Dad (Chance) couldn't wait for Mom (Baby) and made it with Lexie? Hmmmmm! I'll have to think about that. Whew!
I am at least glad that Dad, Mom and Pups are all doing fine.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Karley & Zoe Remember Kaci

Corky & Debra Reports and Jasper is late forwarding it on. Yes, I got this info February 23rd. Sorry about the delay. Jas.
Debra says:
Here are some recent photos of Karly. We love our boxers and have had several. We also had miniature Schnauzers prior to boxers. We had to put our favorite fawn female, Kaci, to sleep in January. She had lymphoma and we underwent chemo treatments at Auburn University for 11 months before losing her. We got Karly 5 days after losing Kaci. We are keeping our sons boxer, Zoe, at the present time. She looks so much like Baby. They get along great.
Kaci loved to play in the pampas also. I'm sending a picture of her also. I enjoyed the boxer slideshow on Jasper's site. We do get crazy over our dogs, don't we.
Corky and Debra

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cabin Fever.....Big Time!

Sorry about not posting lately. I am just one bored sole. The Raleigh/Kure Beach weather is just aweful. It actually snowed/sleeted again yesterday afternoon and night. Bah Humbug!
Larry tells me if he is not sweating, he is not happy. I've never experienced real sweat or Summer; but, anything has got to be better than this crazy Winter. Why couldn't Larry live in a place called Key West ?
Oh by the way, I'm 17 lbs as of this morning.  Had to cancel my Vet appointment Tuesday until next Tuesday because I'm staying in Raleigh.
Karley, I miss you and hope your Winter is warmer! Jas.